The Secret Behind natural ways to conceive a boy

Posted by Unknown on Sunday 21 December 2014

natural ways to conceive a boyDo you want to have a boy? You have been looking for natural and inexpensive ways to make your wish come true. You already looked at sport themes for his room, pre-plan activities you guys will be doing together, and decided to make him a junior. So, what is preventing you from starting your dream family?

While pregnancy comes easy to some, the road is not so smooth for others. That's OK though! No matter your age, nationality, or medical conditions, you can still use these 3 all-natural and effective ways to conceive the boy you always wanted.

To get pregnant with natural ways to conceive a boy:

1- Accurately Calculate Your Ovulation Date & Understand the Ovulation Process
2- Adjust Your Diet by Eating Certain Foods
3- Utilize Certain Sexual Positions to Favor a Boy

1-Accurately Calculating Your Ovulation & Understanding the Process

This a very important factor when planning to get pregnant, especially with a boy. First, the ovulation date needs to be calculated accurately. Ovulation occurs for a short-period of time each month and may occur at a different time each month; therefore you need to know the exact date. Unfortunately when trying to conceive a boy, there is no room for error. Therefore, it is recommended to use a fertility monitoring device; one that requires saliva or urine is best.

Once you know the exact date, you need to know when to start intercourse. For a boy, it is advised to start as close as possible to the ovulation date. The sperm carrying the boy traits swims faster, but lives a shorter period of time. Therefore, starting intercourse closer to the ovulation date gives the sperm carrying the boy traits a better chance to fertilize the egg.

2-Adjusting Your Diet by Eating Certain Foods

Adjusting your diet is very important during pregnancy for you and your baby. However, to increase your chances of having a boy there are certain foods you should eat. The potential mother-to-be has a vaginal pH; alkaline or acidic levels. In order to have a boy, the pH in her body should be alkaline. Therefore, foods that are alkaline should be including in her diet the most.

3-Using Certain Sexual Positions that Favors a Boy

Another important factor when planning to have a boy is the sexual positions being used. Because the sperm carrying the boy traits are short-lived, deep penetration positions are suggested. However, this is not the same for everyone. You and your partner's height play a major factor in this method. These particular positions help align and penetrate the egg with the sperm carrying the boy traits.

Natural Solution Conclusion

Using these all-natural ways definitely increase the likelihood of you having a boy. Unlike most expensive medical procedures that promise a 50% chance, these methods have had a 94% success rate. So, what do you have to lose? Get started having the boy you always wanted tonight!

Lisa  is a nursing student and has worked in healthcare for the past decade. She hopes to help people concieve a boy naturally.Learn more details on how to increase your chances of having a boy today!
ahmad naim -
Choosing Gender of Baby Naturally Updated at : 22:16

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Aquatic Essen Ikan Nila said...

Thanks for share, nice article,.

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